Awaken the sleeping linen

Awaken the sleeping linen

Long before upcycling became trendy, Frédéric Martin-Bernard browsed flea-markets to find antique sheets adorned with hemstitches, heraldry and embroideries. The elite of linen or cotton fabrics – or even both for linen-cotton blends, what we call in French “toile métis” – which had been carefully put away in family closets.
Some of these had even never been used. The embroidery of their monograms still showed chalk guidelines. Others had kept the tags from their manufacturers… The idea was to awaken all of this sleeping household linen; to give it a new breath by transforming it into curtains, headboards or pillow covers.
One thing leading to another, FMB got caught in the game of finding more, always more pieces… Today, WINDOW owns hundreds of bedsheets discovered in attics, flea markets or in private sellers’ collections… Upon receipt, each bedsheet is thoroughly cleaned, controlled and filed while it waits for its new owner dreaming of custom-made curtains with vintage fabric and their initials.
WINDOW curtains in vintage fabrics are also made-to-order to suit the height of each window.